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 12 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Viggo Johansen"Advanced Search
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Kitchen, with the artist's Wife, 1887. Creator: Viggo Johansen.
Sunlight in the Dining-room, 1889. Creator: Viggo Johansen.
An Artist's Gathering, 1903. Creator: Viggo Johansen.
Helga Johansen, the artist's sister, 1866-1900. Creator: Viggo Johansen.
Confirmation Sunday, Dragor, 1876-1880. Creator: Viggo Johansen.
Evening Talk, 1886. Creator: Viggo Johansen.
Geese by a Lake. A Storm is Brewing. Dragor, the Island of Amager, 1893. Creator: Viggo Johansen.
The artist's wife and child reading, 1893. Creator: Viggo Johansen.
Geese by a lake, unsettled weather, Dragør, 1897. Creator: Viggo Johansen.
An Evening Party in the Artist's Home, 1899. Creator: Viggo Johansen.
An academy council assembly at Charlottenborg in 1904, 1906-1908. Creator: Viggo Johansen.
Self-Portrait, 1902. Creator: Viggo Johansen.